entrepreneurism versus big business

I have always been a fan of people setting up a small business that attempts to make money.
I am particularly fond of people who start with stalls, or festivals or online efforts even.
But big business has other ideas. Their idea of business is: have an idea, get a loan, buy machines and property, make money, pay off shareholders gloating in the background.
They believe the only thing holding people back from starting a business is getting a loan.
I know a few people who scored such loans and then went bust after a few years. So indirectly the cheap loan was helping the ordinary people who worked for them for a few years. Most businesses go bust in the first five years so maybe this model of wealth trickle down does work....a bit.
But the real things that stop people starting a viable business are mental not physical. The feeling that anything is possible, that you aren't being 'held back'. The people who set up environments who encourage this feeling do work at least as important as banks.