Are unlucky people simply stupid?

Though it must be granted that there is a fairly rare selection of individuals who seem endowed with more luck than average we can, given their scarcity, disregard them for now. The far broader spectrum of ‘lucky people’ are, on closer analysis, simply in ‘the right place at the right time’ ie. they make the most of their circumstances. They do not reject their circumstances because they aren’t perfect, they make the best of them. It is not uncommon to find someone who says that an illness or disability was ‘the luckiest thing that happened to them’ as it opened a previously closed door. Such people are, really, imbued with flexible and, just as importantly, open minds. This openness and flexibility means early opportunities are spotted and taken advantage of before the crowd, with its inevitable slug like slowness happens upon them and creates a trend. Perceptive and aware- these ‘lucky people’ are simply…not stupid. So are the unlucky stupid? Bar those who are the polar and necessary (perhaps) opposite of the supernaturally lucky, I think we can say in the main the unlucky are either stupid or conduits of the stupidity of others. They have, perhaps through no fault of their own (being born in such and such a country for example) found themselves bound to the bad luck/stupidity of their leaders and superiors.