my plan to reread Idries Shah

I have never taken entirely seriously the CONSTANT admonition in Shah's work to cross out the bits that appeal and focus on the other stuff. Why? Because I thought the text was all of equal importance. In fact his books are loaded with booby traps. You can find attractive little asides on becoming more expert, more intuitive, and even wealthier in his texts. If that attracts you- cross it out and move on. There is no need to overthink this- as I have probably done- if you down-to-earth like something (think adding a facebook 'like' in the margin) then cross it out. "Liking' means you are still looking for confirmation of existing beliefs rather than something useful. This 'like' feeling is fairly low key- just like the facebook 'like' is. When you really get something of nutritive value from a book by Shah it will have an ah-hah key like quality. It will unlock something or connect something or bring something into the foreground. It will be useful rather than merely cool or reassuring. This said with the usual caveats that words are rather fumbly things in this area. I will report back on my crossing out experiences later, should I actually get round to it! But I am already thinking- cross WAY MORE out...