cars not sexy

Cars are simply not as sexy as they used to be. Insurance kills the zest young people wanting to zoom around, forcing them into micras and other crap cars. Electric cars are simply uncool, however fast. Formula one is neutered by all the safety precautions (naturally I hate to see anyone die in any sport yet I also know that the real danger of motor racing is one of its attractions). Buying a new car is seen as a mini eco-disaster- all that water used and carbon emitted used to make something essentially pointless- plenty of great used cars already out there. Old cars from the sexy cars era will always be in demand, but the car boom which started with Henry Ford is levelling right off. The car becomes like the carriage of yore, with computer assist replacing the driver, just a way to get from a to b. Status value: diminished. Motorcycles however are different. Look for where freedom is opening, vitality more easily expressed or encouraged.