what head do you put on to read the news?

For years I didn't bother with the news much. I read the headlines as I passed a convenience store and I gathered second hand on facebook and twitter what the main stories were. Then I got addicted. It started with Brexit, then the Epstein case and finally Covid-19. Somedays I checked the BBC website five times or more. Crazy.
Then I took stock of how I felt afterwards- jaded, a bit more jumpy, unsatisfied...but above all- more negative in outlook.
The news promises new stuff, new developments but there is only one story: things are bad, and maybe getting worse. Be scared. You are powerless.
The message is insidious. And I was letting it in with my 'open' head on as I eagerly clicked. This 'head' is eager for interesting new stuff. It is a pristine head for learning. And I was wasting it on this rot!
So now when I look at the news (always after lunchtime) I pause a moment before clicking on the relevant site. I put on my 'you are about to see pure negativity in the world' head. I brace myself and protect my delicate learning sensibilities from the rubbish being purveyed. I watch it all with a detached, almost amused eye. I preserve my positive energy and don't let it get sucked out of me.
I am watching and reading the news less and less.