worth bearing in mind

“If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities. If you believe it won’t, you will see obstacles.” ~ Wayne Dyer
When I set out to be the first person to walk without riding a camel or driving a car the 600+ km from Dakhla oasis to Siwa oasis across the Egyptian great sand sea I didn't think the biggest barrier would be permission to do so from the military. But it was. The Bedouin who helped us wanted me to quit and said it was impossible to get the persmission. But I knew we'd find a way. In the end we did- but only three days into the walk when it looked we might get turned back anytime. In the end an idea was suggested by one of the team that persuaded the officer in charge of the case. But that idea would never have happened in the office, being 100 km into the desert helped make it happen. So the moral is- believe it will happen and think of your effort as a tide of water finding it's way around the rocks of a beach, swirling up the beach it always finds a way. Think of effort as iterative improvements rather than 'your best shot'. I have very rarely been able to make my best shot, but I didn't let that stop me making my first shot. Once you are moving you are in 'the dynamic', the place where reality happens unlike the static pictures we think is real life but is really just our projected imaginings.