how boring was that?

Human kind is on a perpetual mission to escape boredom.
Yet they have created a world that every year gets more and more boring.
Globalisation reduces 99% to being passive consumers of the lives of 1% celebrity sports and entertainment people.
Since the beginning of the agricultural revolution, ever more efficient systems of food production reduce the need for hunting and gathering. Nomadism in its many forms solves the boredom problem but nomadism is under threat now.
Though one can be stimulated by films and computer games the deeper malaise is always lurking- the bordeom threshold. When you are on an expedition, even when it's boring, it isn't- this seeming paradox has to do with a host of factors including control over your life, perceived danger and ability to chose the level or risk you are comfortable with. Also, everything is new, but in a vital sense- not in the fabricated phoney sense that a 'new' movie is new. When you see a new movie the theatre, the seats, the popcorn create an experience that is more the same than different. When almost every 'new' experience is mediated through a screen the experience is more the same than different. In order to cross the boredom threshold the experience must be more different than the same. Yet, we have a world in which that prospect fills people with anxiety...