Right and Left brain meshing methods crucial

You can only get so far thinking in the broad terms of right and left brain, right and left hemisphere- each indicating a package of attributes.
Every single 'left brain' function needs some right brain context.
Every single 'right brain' attribute nneds a left brain 'compiler' or 'translator' to operate in the real world.
Pure left brain knows no way of starting or stopping, what to pay attention to, where to go.
Pure right brain is a swirl of colours and impressions in a continuous present (kind of).
So what is really key is HOW you mesh right and left together.
What we have nowadays is less of a 'left brain culture' than one in which the left brain meshes in a very clunky and inefficient and painful way with the right brain. There is no other option- both sides must mesh to produce human behaviour that is sane- but the manner of meshing is somewhat like a gearbox without syncromesh. In the old days to change gear on a car you had to 'couble de-clutch'. This meant you couldn't go from 3rd to 2nd by just flicking the gear stick. You had to go into neutral, alter the revs to suit roughly the new gear, press the clutch again and get into the new gear. This method saved the awful grinding of gears that accompanied old style gear changing.
So the culture we live in- which of course has its own aims and methods, is intent on using us as drones, workers or queens. Queens are celebrities, workers are, er, workers and drones are consumers. The difference with a bee hive is that we can switch roles (a bit). The Culture- call it the global hive- has one aim- to get as big and fat as possible. Doesn't matter how many drones and workers die in the process. That's why average health is now DECLINING in the west. In the past an increase in health meant increased productivity and growth of human activity. Now ill health only generates money and goods from rich people. Poor people no longer contribute much to productivity (productivity in the past was increased by volume of workers, now it is increased by cleverness of manufacturing system). But rich people are a minority so the hive is moving towards a lower standard of health for all.
You must cut out from the global hive mind and find your own mind. If you do one thing in your life it should be this. Otherwise you are being 'lived' by the culture. And like the general in a first world war movie: the culture sees you as a number, cannon fodder. So go AWOL (maybe with a cushy job in the home country).
The global culture wants you to be a single drone consumer or worker. It has no need of your multiple skills or interests. Not really. In the past- the hive was increased by good multiple skills. Now it is excellent single skills that get you noticed- be it at playing pool or writing musicals. The hive also functions very well on getting everyone to WANT to be footballers or pop stars (ie. 'queens') and then only allowing- by dint of a vast open marketplace- a few to 'make it'. That leaves a vast frustrated populace who will SPEND TIME AND MONEY- buying the product and servicing the 'queens'. Sadly many buy into this concept because they envy life as a queen. But study the life of the honeybee for a while and you'll see that being a queen is not all it's cracked up to be....anyway, I imagine everyone reading this is savvy enough to know that finding your real-self is at odds with being an unquestioning dork (technical term meaning an unquestioning bee) in the global hive.
Back to meshing...again. You need to work on how you mesh your right brain activity with the appropriate left brain container it comes in. One way to alter the balance is to rely on your memory- either in a learned skill or simply as data, rather than outsourcing it to a device of some kind. Outsourcing involves lots of left brain translation that will partially thwart right brain genius. Imagine playing pool by telling someone 'left a bit, right a bit, bit harder, bit slower' while they made the moves for you. The right brain- which rightly is pretty much the source of all genius - needs to be able to fly, dance and play. It can only do this if it meshes with left brain outlets- steps, words, notes easily.
But there are many levels to meshing. One is managing transitions. Going from one activity to another upsets the right/left balance. Ever wondered why it is so hard to start writing- unless a teacher tells you too?
Another mesh problem is 'your learning style' by which I mean something different from visual/audio/touch etc. (All humans are very similar in that we have HUGE visual memory capacity and an innate interest in getting home, finding food and getting sex.) By learning style I mean what inspires you and what kinds of momentum activity give you a good buzz, propel you into the 'flow' zone. This is all very personal and yet needs to be addressed if you are going to mesh.
That we have a global meshing problem is evident everywhere; in extreme cases it produces mental health issues. In less extreme situations it results in the need to polarise and find indentity in opinions rather than your real characteristics.
Learning how to mesh right and left sides of the brain is therefore a huge priority.