what is right for you

Lower morality prepares us for higher morality; in the lower morality there are good and useful rules which, if followed diligently and conscientiously yields either obsession, or, hopefully and mostly, a realisation that there is something beyond the rules yet, crucially, the self-control which is bred through denying any old impulse. The higher morality is simply the intuition, very easily drowned out by greed and fear, or what is right for you. Not the planet, the people, or the church- you. Ah, but the rub is you cannot hear this voice if your only concern is YOU. But with lower morality training you can at least know what is a whimsical or greedy impulse and what isn't. You have to cut loose from ought and should- these are really projections of fear. It is the reason why the higher morality has been misinterpreted so much (and was considered a secret)- it sounds like do what though wilt. But it is simply a realisation of the unity of self and universe interpreted through action.