driving through rain

The car plashes down and two buckets of water storm the windscreen
Sudden short sight, bright, as if iced up
An age for the wiper set top speed to clear
Drips scurry upwards, time reverses,
A road flood grabs the nearside wheel
Like a demented wraith, shakes it
Wow and beyond. There’s more:
Dunk down washboard hum gravel skank loud as fuck
The kick of the steering wheel, have faith, the auto system
Jerks me straight again
Rev up faster for the next long lean lung of a puddle
Almost enjoying the zown and power trawd,
bottom boarding out, skim and plane
In a loud skirt of unbelievable hum
A ribbing at high frequency
Lights pick up the errant flies
The messengers in zoom and
Thlunk wipe, thlunk wipe
Semi circle of doom peering frontwards, closer to the wheel
Like an old man in a flat cap with a dog beside him doing 40
Rain on roads ages you.
I am racing to pick someone up
I always am.