Course! Micromaster Street Photography

After the success of an informal Zen Street Photography workshop at Offgrid Sessions festival 2017 I am pleased to be able to offer a Micromastery course in Street Photography. It'll be one day, Saturday 9th Setember 2017 in Central London. We'll start at 10.00am and learn and roam until 3.30pm with pleny of breaks.
This will be ideal for beginners of street photography- or any kind of photography- but also for those who want to learn more. The key ideas I explored in zen street photography (getting into the right headspace, deep looking, how best to get into a flow state) will inform the orientation for the day. We'll examine the key concept of 'getting closer' from all angles. We'll try and pin down micromastery routines that help looking for the fun in taking street pictures. Then we'll look at some other street photographers, learn plenty of clever tricks, hacks and wheezes before trying it all out on the glorious London public.
Any camera you feel comfortable with and know how to use - from a phone to a Canon megabeast mark 3- will be fine. But bear in mind that small and inconspicuous cameras usually trump big and obvious ones...
Cost is £60, concessions available for those in need. Not too big a group so book ahead.