passion or money? Take a cross-over path

You hear it all the time- especially on self-help blogs- go after what you are passionate about and money will, right, but what if you're skint?
I have said similar stuff- my solution, for myself, was to work for money at weekends or downtimes and use my primetime- the day- to do my own thing.
But what if you have a family to support? You can't do that easily working a couple of nights.
You need to be both self-supporting and also, preferably, on what I call a cross-over path.
If you earn your bread at a call centre and spend your free time doing what you are passionate about the passion will probably fizzle out. You'll be so pissed off you'll want to spend your downtime doing other stuff.
A cross-over path is one that earns money, reasonable amounts, but allows you to cross over more and more to what really interests you. Journalism is a good cross-over path to writing and film making. Think of activities that are congruent with your ultimate ideal way of earning a living/spending your days. Take a long term approach. Look for other people who are doing what you want to do and see what cross-over path they used.