rock art expedition to the gilf kebir

The explorer school (of which I am a part) is tentatively putting together an expedition for later 2010 or early 2011 in search of Saharan engravings and rock art in the Gilf Kebir area of Egypt. This will be a proper three week expedition totally devoted to exploration though we will visit the Mestakawi-Foggini Cave and Wadi Soura. The idea is to take vehicles to an area never before explored and then walk each day averaging 20-25km of canyon, mountain and cave investigation. We will meet the vehicles again at night but to minimise their destructive impact (tyre tracks last forever) they will stay clear of the exploration area. As on our other expeditions we need fit, enthusiastic people with a flexible approach. If you think you might qualify let us know (email is on site.) There will be room for a maximum of ten people only. It'll be incredible because there is so much still to find out there. Watch site for more info.