zenslacker #3

1. The world is mad. When you engage with the world you often have to go a little mad to get things done. Or so it seems. Another way is simply to wait for the right moment. If you can’t, because you’re in a rush, then you’re not Zenslacking. There is always a right moment. If you wait patiently for it you won’t miss it. And even if you do- so what?
2. All food is good. Stop eating for ten or twelve hours and then see what food is all about. Stop drinking bottled water for ten hours and go for a run. Then drink that chlorinated stuff direct from the tap. Doesn't it taste beautiful now? Lifegiving?
3. You're driving along the highway with some buddies drinking beer and in a moment of beer-fueled over enthusiasm hurl an empty can onto the littered hard shoulder. Rather than feel guilty look at it another way: beer cans are not the problem- roads are.
4. Brainstorming produces lots of ideas but rarely any good ideas- mostly it just produces a storm of confusion. Or else you get ideas as a kind of insurance against being bereft of ideas. These ideas are actually symbolic ideas. But real ideas are there to become real. They have a reality already integral within them. These ideas just come from nowhere because they are looking for you. If you do nothing the solution will come looking for you.
5. Often the best way to start doing nothing is to do something in a consciously excessive way. Excessively write notes until you are sick of that and then you are doing nothing in the right way. No strain anymore.
Reader Comments (1)
You are right. You are giving gems of wisdom. After watching Bear Grylls in Man vs WIld and seeing him come across a bit of food, directly from nature, when he is starving (relatively speaking), it makes me think twice before throwing away old oranges and lemons. Everything is relative to the situation.
And with regard to drugs, are you saying what we don't know can't hurt us. I mean is there a placebo effect from reading about the side-effects of drugs? Scientists throw out the placebo effect, but it may be one of the most interesting of all effects.